Keith Iduhu, Principal and founder of Fairfax Legal
Q. This year we celebrate Fairfax’s 10th anniversary. What thoughts and emotions come to mind when you think about this?
A. Wow, it’s been a decade already. Time does fly when you are busy. It feels as if it was only yesterday when we were looking for a space to fit one computer and an empty desk. I am in awe but at the same time, extremely humbled and thankful. Not everyone makes it this far.
Q. What made you start Fairfax Legal? Where did you draw inspiration to start this business?
A. When I first started working, there weren't many places that allowed law graduates to practice commercial law apart from debt recovery and simple litigation. I wanted to create an avenue for University of Papua New Guinea graduates to work on a broader range of commercial matters.

Q. What were your visions for Fairfax in 2006? Have you met these expectations?
A. The firm was intended to symbolise an avenue for professionalism and excellence. I feel we embody this today.
Q. In what ways have you developed Fairfax over the past 10 years?
A. Our earlier files were Motor Vehicle Insurance Claims and conveyance in the first 12 months. Over time, we have gradually taken on more complex matters and we have been quite successful in handling them.
Q. What do you believe the biggest accomplishments are since the business establishment?
A. I think that would include connecting with a greater network of people ranging from lawyers, corporate and government leaders. Also, I would say one of our notable achievements is our affiliation and continued relationship with PLN Australia.
Q. What is your favourite part about your job? What excites you the most?
A. Having the opportunity and satisfaction of inspiring others around me and in the firm. It is also that I am able to witness the evolution of excellence in one’s daily tasks.
Q. What is the best piece of leadership advice you have received?
A. A lot of friends and colleagues have encouraged me over the years to appreciate employees and clients and to strike a balance in life.
Q. What do you anticipate for the next 10 years for Fairfax Legal?
A. I anticipate a greater focus and concentration on quality of our services.