Educational Webinars
Tricks and traps of financing in the Pacific
Banking and finance in the Pacific is full of quirks. Lending and security taking transactions in or across the Pacific can be or become complex.
In this webinar, our latest Pacific law education piece, we will look at security specific issues (including stamp duty anomalies and security perfection challenges), as well as tips and traps (incuding understanding the local landscape, absconding debtors and foreign lender persectives).
The ATO and its treatment of expats
Are you an expat in the Pacific? John Ioannou, Principal and National Head of Tax at Macpherson Kelley will be discussing key information on ATO's current approach to the treatment of Expats, including:
changes to the capital gain tax
residency rules - where you live and for how long?
Chatham House Rules Q and A included
Trading in the Pacific - when local and international brands collide
Future proofing the Pacific workplace
International trade within the Pacific comes with an increased risk of conflict between unique local or regional brands, and multinational brands. In this webinar we will look at:
what local brands can do to protect themselves against the ingress of similarly-branded foreign products;
what foreign companies should do before entering a new market in the Pacific to avoid infringing local brands and harming local businesses; and
trade mark traps for the unwary.
As the future of work continues to evolve, staying ahead of emerging employment law trends is essential for businesses in the Pacific region. Join us for an insightful session on the latest developments shaping the workplaces in Australia.
Expert Principal Lawyer Brigid Clark, from the Employment, Safety and Migration team at Macpherson Kelley, the Australian home of Pacific Legal Network will explore:
AI Issues in the Workplace
Changes to the Employee/Contractor Distinction
The Right to Disconnect
Corporate Governance Webinars
Consensus decision making
Consensus decision making is the Pacific way. However, for Boards of Directors, this should be the result of a proper examination of the issues together with discussion and debate, and not of acquiescence. Join John Ridgway and Gavin Robertson in this Q&A style webinar covering what is consensus decision making, some key examples of successful outcomes, and how to address the key issues.
Companies doing business in the Pacific know the importance of their environmental and social credentials to their Pacific customers, investors and clients. However, beware of Greenwashing, which involves misrepresenting or overstating these credentials. Join Dirk Heinz and Gavin Robertson in this informative Q&A style webinar as they cover the concept of greenwashing, what it entails and why it's essential for senior management to be aware of.
Is your board a train wreck waiting to happen? - James Hardie Industries Case study
When the James Hardie Industries Board decided to "spin off" the company's asbestos related liabilities, everything that could go wrong went wrong, and the directors were found by the Australian High Court to have breached their duties to the Company. In this presentation, Gavin Robertson will analyse the James Hardie Industries case and highlight the very practical lessons that can be applied by Boards and their advisors in the Pacific context.