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Directors' Duties Training

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Why it matters

All directors, whether executive or non-executive, in companies of all types, have duties and obligations imposed on them by statute and by general law.

What it is


To address the uniquely complex operating environment of the Pacific Islands, and to complement our Directors' Duties Guide to the Pacific, we have developed training programs to help existing and future company directors in the Pacific understand their key areas of risk and exposure, as well as how that risk and exposure can be managed.

What our training includes

  • The concept of directors duties and their purpose in a legal context.

  • The sources of directors duties? Common law vs statutory duties.

  • Who do directors owe duties to?

  • An in-depth look at specific duties owed by directors.

  • Understanding how to be protected, and understanding the potential liabilities should a director fail to comply with their obligations.

  • Global directors' duties trends with a particular focus on the evolving environmental obligations of directors.

More about our training

  • We deliver tailored training programs to suit any organisation, irrespective of size, industry and location.

  • We train in-country, or online.

To find out more about how we can help you with our Directors' Duties training:

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