Aug 10, 2023
Pacific Legal Network attend Pasefika Lawyers Collective conference in Samoa
John Ridgway and Dirk Heinz present an assortment of court attire to Samoan Law Society at the Pasefika Lawyers Collective conference.

Aug 9, 2023
Data Protection in the Pacific: Obligations for Telecommunications Businesses
Legislation specific to telecommunications service providers/licensees in the Pacific.

Aug 8, 2023
Registering Trademarks in the Pacific
ntellectual property laws have existed in the Pacific Islands region for a number of years. However, they are subject to a variety of differ

Aug 8, 2023
Trading coolabahs for pines – an Australian lawyer’s exchange story in Poland
hen I first heard that I had been offered to go on exchange to the city situated in the Polish-heartland I thought I had been mispronouncing

Aug 8, 2023
A shot-sized bar, only serving shots
By Damian Kelly Pacific Legal Network Avid readers of Pacific Legal Network articles and newsletters will have seen that the phrase “this...