Feb 24, 2017
A Primer on PNG's PPP Act
The Public Private Partnership Act 2014 was passed on 2 September 2014, certified on 21 October 2014 but is still awaiting gazettal for it t

Dec 20, 2016
Acting in Good Faith and in the Best Interest of Company in PNG
Key Points Directors are obliged to act in good faith and in the best interests of the company in Papua New Guinea (PNG) when exercising...

Dec 20, 2016
Watsons Bay Hotel
The PLN team were counting down the days till our Christmas celebration, and we were not disappointed.

Dec 19, 2016
Pacific Round-up – PLN’ers end of year Celebrations and Reflections across the Pacific
To celebrate a fantastic year for the Pacific Legal Network, we held three momentous events in November in Fiji, Solomon Islands and Papua

Dec 8, 2016
Changes to the ASX Listing Rules: what you need to know
Key points In May 2016, the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) released a consultation paper setting out proposed changes to the ‘ASX...