Jun 28, 2015
M&A and Succession: Knowing the Game as well as your business
Now is a good time in the market to sell or grow your business.
Jun 23, 2015
The Chinese foreign investment regulatory environment and what it means for your Pacific business
China’s Overseas Foreign Direct Investment (OFDI) will continue to play a part in its overall strategy for economic development.
Jun 20, 2015
IAG update from Rotterdam
Our international network ‘IAG’ (Integrated Advisory Group) met most recently in the fine Dutch city of Rotterdam.
May 18, 2015
Australian Privacy Law Update: your obligations when sending information across borders further clar
In March 2014, the Australian Government streamlined Australian Privacy law introducing the new Privacy Regulation 2013 under the amended Pr
Apr 2, 2015
PNG tightens foreign exchange control
The Bank of Papua New Guinea (BPNG) has announced new restrictions on foreign currency holdings for both in-country and offshore accounts.