Aug 22, 2018
PNG watchdog gets more teeth!
PNG’s competition and consumer watchdog, the Independent Consumer Competition and Commission (“ICCC”), will now be able to better regulate a
Aug 21, 2018
Are you PPS protected? How PPS regimes affect your ICT operations
PPS legislation represents comprehensive reform to the financial sector in a jurisdiction, greatly improving access to credit. Coupled with
Aug 8, 2018
Credit Reporting in Fiji
The Reserve Bank of Fiji (“RBF”) recently granted approval to Credit Information Reporting Agency Limited (“CIRA”), a credit reporting...
Aug 8, 2018
Is co-investment Pacific’s answer to large project funding requirements?
Introduction The Pacific region offers compelling opportunities for investment, whether it be the privatisation of a national bank, or...
Jul 19, 2018
Vanuatu: no longer a shade of grey
PLN joins the business community to welcome the removal of Vanuatu from the list of high-risk jurisdictions by the Financial Action Task...