Mar 25, 2019
Fiji and Vanuatu amongst the Pacific nations that now appear on EU blacklist
Introduction With five Pacific Island nations namely Fiji, Vanuatu, Samoa, American Samoa and Marshall Islands now featuring on EU’s...
Dec 14, 2018
Welcoming Strata Title in Solomon Islands
Being the Solomon Islands expert in the PLN Sydney Office, doesn’t just mean that you get to frequently work with one of the best lawyers...
Dec 14, 2018
Taking stock as the year concludes
What better way to mark the end of another successful year than with a pat on your back and sharing a few beverages with some of your key...
Dec 13, 2018
E-commerce – Is the Pacific ready?
E-commerce has quickly immersed itself into many aspects of our lives. From the Deliveroo rider bringing your food to the new
Dec 12, 2018
Strata Title in the Solomon Islands: A Regional Perspective
Key Points The Solomon Islands Strata Titles Act 2018 (Act) passed Parliament on 22 August 2018. We have followed the progress of this...